Sunday, June 13, 2010

From Heaven

Many people have a MILLION different opinions about heaven. There are so many questions that no one can EVER answer.

*Is there really a heaven? What does it look like? Where is it? What about our bodies? Will we know each other still? Will it hurt to cross over? *

Most of the question about death and heaven are purely focused on the death portion and what we will feel. . . . . I have experienced that since grandma died, everyone try's to comfort me by saying "she is looking down on you, she is watching over you, she's is still with you...." I have had a lot of time to reflect on this and how it makes me feel. . . . .

I don't get the feeling that she is with me anymore at all. I will always have her memories, but she isn't with me. Nor do I truly believe that she "looks" down on us. I know this seems to give a lot of people comfort, but I just can not make myself believe that. I have never ever thought about this before grandma died, and its kind of a odd thing to think about. . .

But think about it. . . . . .

The world we live in is so utterly disgusting and corrupt!! Everywhere you look there is fear, pain, suffering, poverty, rap, murders, lies, adultery. . . . There is so much awful things in this world that it is over taking the good. You can't invite your new neighbor over for lunch anymore, you don't know if they are a murder or rapist.

We live in a world that is over taken by sin, it is truly hell on earth pretty much. Some may argue with me saying that there is happiness on earth. I feel that happiness is only the surface of what true happiness really is. How can you feel happy when so much bad is going on? Yes there are good things to. Those few good things in life is what keeps us moving forward and working hard.

HOWEVER, I believe our world is so awful so that when we pass and go to heaven, it can be absolutely PERFECT!! I mean perfect in the since that you do not understand pain or fear because it is not there. I feel like there can only be so much of something, so the universe has to balance itself out. So earth is awful so that our loved ones can finally be peaceful.

So I look at it this way, if grandma is in such a perfect place, why would she ever want to look down on us again? Imagine what she would see if she tried to look down on us. She wouldn't be able to get passed all the awfulness to see us. If you're in paradise why would you want to kill your buzz by looking at something so depressing?

I do get comfort by knowing that someday, I will see her again. For me this is an extended absence.

June 13th, 2010


  1. You are truly wise beyond your years missy!! i love you so much and am so blessed to call you my best friend!! Keep the blogs coming... Love to read them

  2. Thank you Sweets!! It is really nice to hear that you like reading them. It makes me feel like I'm not babbling lol

    I Love you to!!And there will be more to follow
