Tuck-N-Roll, as made famous by grandma!!
Everyone who knew my grandma knows she was famous for her "tuck-n-rolls" as she liked to call them!!
This is the story as to how she became famous for them. . . . .
It was a late summer afternoon, we had just had an amazing BBQ at my uncle's house. My grandma was VERY stubborn so she insisted on walking home instead of using her scooter....
So I'm following behind my teeny tiny grandma who know stood at 4'7ish....She is walk and strutting her stuff like there is no tomorrow.
( I'm carrying, in a class bowl, her famous potatoe salad) As I'm about to comment on her miss thing strut she throws her hands up in the air and lets out a little squeak!!!
She fully extends her arms straight up over head, throws her body forward through the air and kicks her feet out behind her. She looks like she is trying to fly like superman!!! As she gets closer to hitting the ground, (She wasn't that far off the ground in the first place, thank god)
she suddenly snapped into a tight like ball in the fetal position, tucked her chin down touching her chest and dove to the ground!!
She then proceeded to roll the rest of the way down the hill in her tight little ball!!! To my horror this all happened within seconds!! My first reaction was to get the potato salad out of my hands and run to her rescue!! As I throw the glass bowl down, not caring if it breaks I sprint off towards grandma laying there in the dark dust.
In panicking i try to assess her as I am running there, and she looks like she is crying. Which only makes my heart race even faster and makes me even more frightened!! As i approach her, I find her laying there on her back in tears from historically laughing!!
I look down at her and tell her not to move!! I am going to go get uncle Jeff to help me, she then stops laughing, looks at me VERY SERIOUSLY and says, "honey does it look like I'm going anywhere?"
As soon as we get my grandma up on her feet the first thing out of her mouth was, " Bloody Hell!!! My new white pants!!" Then looks at us smiling and continues on, "That was a pretty good tuck-n-roll if i say so myself, I could be a stunt double!"
Wrote by Crystal Glazebrook, on June 2nd, 2010
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