Sunday, June 13, 2010

Learning to drive

In reflection of the day, I took my cousin to Salem today. We went shopping, which sucked!!

But that's not the story, she is 16 and has her drivers permit. So I let her drive and it completely brought back memories of grandma teaching me to drive.....

Grandma used to sit in the passenger seat and read her book the whole way!! I would ask "was i suppose to do that?" and she would tell me, " I dunno, were you?"

Or best yet, there is this hill you go over right before the Willamina exit and i would floor it and go over the hill at 90 mph so i could get that feeling in your tummy, and EVERYTIME she would look up from her book, smile and say, "It's your ticket."

I remember one time she got pulled over for speeding and she throw such a big fit!!! She just couldn't believe he would give an "old lady" a ticket. I tried to explain to her that going 70mph in a 45 was kind of a big deal...... LOL

June 12th 2010

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